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Department of Biochemistry



UZH research grants 2024 awarded to:

Their research projects will be supported by the UZH for 12 months – congratulations!

EMBO Fellowships 2024 awarded to:

 The EMBO will support the projects for 24 months – congratulations!

Ernst Hadorn Fellows 2024 awarded to:

 The Ernst Hadorn Foundation will support the project for 24 months – congratulations!


SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 awarded to Dr. Moritz Pfleiderer (Group Jinek) and Dr. Jan-Philipp Günther (Group Schuler).

Honorary doctorate of the Charles University, Prague awarded to Ohad Medalia for his “pioneering discoveries in the field of cryo-electron tomography, which have made a significant contribution to biomedicine, and for helping Czech science”.

UZH research grant 2023 awarded to Dr. Milos Ivanovic (PDF, 191 KB) (Postdoc, Group Schuler), Melanie Arndt (PDF, 203 KB) (Candoc, Group Dutzler), Francesco Nai (PDF, 203 KB) (Candoc, Group Caflisch) and Judith Notbohm (PDF, 203 KB) (Candoc, Group Perica). Their research projects will be supported by the UZH for 12 months – congratulations to our junior researchers!

Philip S. Portoghese Distinguished Lectureship 2023 (PDF, 2 MB) to Andreas Plückthun

Kazuhiko Kinosita Award in Single-Molecule Biophysics 2023 to Ben Schuler