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Department of Biochemistry

How to get access to the service of PCC

Following your registration you will receive an email with your CORE user account information enabling you to...

  • ...access the Rockmaker application through the Citrix Workspace.
  • ...schedule your crystallization experiments by accessing the crystallization calendar where you specify setup date/time, number of plates and temperature. Thereby, PCC will be ready to process your protein without delay.

Punctually deliver your sample at PCC (building 44, room J-34 at the UZH-Irchel campus).  PCC will expect your sample and will set up the crystallization experiment according to your specification.

Upon your first visit at PCC you will receive access to two RockImagers operating at 4 °C and 20 °C, respectively. You will be introduced to getting the most use from your setup experiments.

Weiterführende Informationen


New employee at PCC

I am delighted to welcome Görkem Kurtuldu to PCC as a Senior Scientist. She will be stepping into the role as my designated successor. Görkem brings a fresh perspective to PCC, and I am excited to see the positive impact she will make.
Please join me in welcoming Görkem!

New screen:

What’s new:
PCC supports researchers with preparing custom screens through their pipetting service. The researcher can freely compose a screen with up to 30 different stock solutions.
Be sure to have a look and feel free to ask the PCC staff concerning this new service.

We had to adjust the prices for plates that are set up at 4°C due to the significantly higher wear and tear of the liquid handler stationed in the cold room.

The new screen Morpheus® Fusion (Product#: MD1-129) from Molecular Dimensions is now available at PCC as the initial screen GS087.


RockImager and Liquid Handler Status

RockImager 20°C:
The imaging schedule is on time.

RockImager 4°C:
The imaging schedule is on time.

Crystal Gryphon 4°C:
In Operation.

Crystal Gryphon LCP 20°C:
In Operation.

Crystal Phoenix 20°C:
In Operation.

Freedom EVO w/ MCA 96 + RoMa
In Operation

Freedom EVO w/ LiHa
In Operation


Universität Zürich
Department of Biochemistry
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zurich
Office: Y44 J 30/34

Dr. Görkem Kurtuldu
Tel.: +41 44 635 65 57