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Department of Biochemistry

Peer Mittl

Peer Mittl

Peer was born in Kiel and grew up in northern Germany, where he also started his education in Chemistry. Since he was interested in Biochemistry, he continued his studies in Freiburg i. Br. (Germany) where he received his Chemistry Diploma in 1990 and also performed his doctoral thesis on the structural analysis of engineered enzymes in the group of Georg Schulz. After receiving his doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) in protein X-ray crystallography in 1994, he continued his scientific career in small and big pharmaceutical companies, where he supported the development of novel drugs using structure-based methods.

In 1998, he joined Markus Grütter's group at the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Zurich as a senior scientist. Since Peer is a specialist in protein X-ray crystallography, he is responsible for the departmental X-ray facility. His scientific interests concern the structural and functional analysis of proteins, particularly of natural and re-engineered solenoid proteins.


Curriculum Vitae


Peer Mittl is teaching in the following modules:

For the Faculty of Science:
BCH 202: Biochemistry II
BCH 405: Research Seminar Series

For the Faculty of Medicine:
MZB1050: Molecular Cell Biology II
HUB 2050a: Human Biology II

Weiterführende Informationen


Universität Zürich
Department of Biochemistry
PD Dr. Peer Mittl
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zurich
Office: Y44 M 03
Tel.: +41 44 635 6559