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Department of Biochemistry

Kathrin Würth

Kathrin Würth-Roderer is a biochemist with a degree from ETH Zurich.

Her academic training included a focus on biochemistry and molecular biology. She wrote her dissertation at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences at ETH Zurich and was involved in various research projects, including the study of chorismate mutases and interacting enzymes.
After her dissertation, Kathrin Würth worked at Lonza AG in Visp, where she was the deputy laboratory manager in the HPLC lab, co-responsible for the release of pharmaceuticals.

After a 2.5-year world tour in her own vehicle, she returned to ETH Zurich, where she rejoined the group of Prof. Peter Kast as a Senior Scientist and co-responsible for a block course in directed evolution.

In May 2023, Kathrin Würth moved to the University of Zurich and has since been a scientific staff member in the Teaching Team, co-responsible for the execution and further development of laboratory practicals.


Curriculum Vitae

Kathrin Würth is teaching in the following modules:

For the Faculty of Science:
BCH 303: Methods in Biochemistry
BCH 308: Experimental Biochemistry
BCH 309: Experimental Biochemistry

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Universität Zürich
Department of Biochemistry
Dr. Kathrin Würth
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zurich
Office: Y44 K 13
Tel.: +41 44 635 5513